In the recent local elections held across Turkey, various political parties competed for control over municipalities in different provinces. The results reflect the distribution of votes and leading positions among the major parties at the local level.

The Republican People’s Party (CHP) emerged as the frontrunner with 11,674,599 votes, securing first place in 36 provinces. Their widespread support demonstrates significant success in local governance across various regions of Turkey.

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Following closely behind, the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) garnered 11,395,504 votes, leading in 24 provinces. Despite facing stiff competition, the AK Party maintained its stronghold in numerous municipalities.

The Democratic Party (DEMPARTİ) achieved notable success, capturing 1,845,553 votes and leading in 10 provinces. Their performance reflects a growing influence at the local level in certain regions of the country.

Similarly, the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) secured 1,391,479 votes and first place in 8 provinces, reaffirming its position as a prominent political force in local governance.

The Welfare Party (Yeniden Refah) and the Good Party (İYİ PARTİ) also made significant strides in the local elections. Yeniden Refah garnered 1,795,825 votes, leading in 2 provinces, while İYİ PARTİ secured 1,119,886 votes and first place in 1 province.

Overall, these election results provide valuable insights into the political landscape of Turkey at the local level, highlighting the diverse preferences of voters across different provinces and the competition among major parties for control over municipalities.

Here’s a breakdown of the election map:
